UCL Zeus CTD Z System Test Suite UCL

Full Technical Information Current list of spares

To use:

  1. Depending on where you are, choose a computer.
  2. Find out where the software is stored.
  3. Set up your link to your favourite transputer.
  4. Choose required software package from below.
    Note: the software will only work at DESY if the KERNEL running on ZUKVS3 is first disabled. This must not be done during running and can only be done by someone with sufficient system priviledges.

Available test software: (click on the appropriate one to run) Click on the package to find out how to run it. Click on the associated [Tech] link for more technical information about it.
Underlying code:
Technical Information:

Diagrams: Texts:

Which computer to use?
Where is the stuff?

The layout of the software is essentially the same at UCL, DESY and Oxford, with only the base directory being different. Each package has its own directory, and each version has a directory within each package directory. Each version has four directories; source, config, work and target. So for version v5_0 of TCT you would have the following directories:

Which Link to use?

Before starting the software the link to the root transputer of the network must be defined (link 0 is the default).

TCT How to run:
  1. If you haven't done it yet:
  2. Type: TCTSET
  3. Setup up your LINK
  4. Type: TCT
What are the loop tests? What do the errors mean? How do I rebuild the software?
ROCTEST How to run:
  1. If you haven't done it yet:
  2. Type: ROCSET
  3. At UCL: setup up your LINK
  4. Type:
How do I rebuild the software?

How to run:
  1. If you haven't done it yet:
  2. Type: CTD_SET SST V5_0
  3. Setup up your LINK
  4. Type: SST
For more info see the TCT page. How do I rebuild the software?

Older versions of TCT and ROCTEST are available. These are listed in the following table: (columns HARNESS and GODEL refer to which version of these the program uses)
Program Version HARNESS GODEL Comment
TCT v4_2 v5_2 v1_9
v5_0 v6_0 v1_11
v5_1 v7_2 v1_11
v5_2 v7_2 v1_11 normal and flying links
ROCTEST v4_1 v5_2 v1_9
v4_2 v5_2 v1_9 not available at DESY
v5_0 v7_4 v1_11 new zcard test
SST v5_0 v6_0 v1_11
To select a particular old version type: CTD_SET progname version

e.g. for v5_0 of TCT type: CTD_SET TCT V5_0
  1. Log in to ZUKVS3.
  2. Type: @userdisk:[UCL.Pooh]setup
  3. Type in the name of the program: e.g. PIGLET
      For example, to check the cabling is OK so that the system runs, you could first try Pooh stand-alone and then PoohBear with the GFLT (or Test Box).
      The first event causes a Count message from each LTC handler. Pressing the space bar generates an error summary and the program continues. Any other key causes the message handler to exit after giving the summary.
N.B. The programs are run from ZUKVS3 using the ISERVER from the occam Toolset. They are independent of both the main DAQ software and the test software for a single LTC (TCT, SST and ROCTEST), which all use the HARNESS.

N.N.B. Piglet doesn't test the LTC in crate 17 (RBOX1) by design. Pooh tests all the LTCs together.

Having problems with POOH et al.? What does the output mean?
MULTI-Z How to run:
  1. Go to the correct directory: SET DEFAULT USERDISK:[UCL.ZTEST]
  2. Run: @userdisk:[UCL.ZTEST]setup.com
  3. Specify which link you wish to use:
    GETLINK QTA0 will set up link 0,
    GETLINK QTA1 will set up link 1.
  4. For the single crate version type: ZTEST1
    or for the multicrate version type: ZTEST
Note: The LTCs in the RBOXs will fail these tests because the RBOX timing is set up for the FLT cards and not z-cards.

If the cards are alright the output should look like this.
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