From Mon Jan 19 19:57:47 1998 Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 15:08:45 GMT From: "MARTIN POSTRANECKY,UCL-PHYSICS DEP,HEPP GROUP,GOWER ST,LONDON WC1E 6BT,TEL:(00-44)-[0]171-419 3453,FAX:[0]171-380 7145" To:, Subj: New roctest and tct setup =================================== IAV 2 Mar. 1995 -------------------- Mods: 3 Mar. 1995 (MP) I have written two functions to make setting up tct and roctest easier and also to make the never ending task of maintenance simpler. To use the new functions add the following to your login (ucl only, I have already added them to the zuk machines ) tctset :== @tct_base_dir:tctset ------------------------------- rocset :== @roctest_base_dir:rocset ----------------------------------- TCTSET and ROCSET will set up TCT and ROCTEST respectively with the current production version for the machine you are running on. To set up a version other than the production version, e.g. tct version v5_6 tctset v5_6 ----------- The commands link0, link1... have changed and now select either the hkb device or qt device depending on the machine you run on. Ian