The Big Bang Fair
"The Big Bang Fair was launched in 2009 and is the UK's biggest single celebration of science and engineering for young people and aims to celebrate and inspire them."
For 2014, the fair moved to its new home at the NEC, Birmingham. Never to be deterred by a train
journey, UCL HEP group members Peter Davison, Gavin Hesketh and Andreas Korn helped to share the wonder
of the LHC and the Higgs boson to hundreds of visitors of all ages.
Photos from Understanding the Higgs Boson.
In previous years, the fair was based at ICC London ExCel centre in the docklands. In 2011, UCL High Energy Physicists were on hand at the Institure of Physics stand to demonstrate that marvels of particle phsyics through the medium of coloured magnetic balls. You can read about how it went over on the Guardian science blogs website.
![Sticky Electrons](/outreach/bigbang/daveRubenStickyBalls_small.jpg)
![Ryan and Ben](/outreach/bigbang/ryanBenStudents_small.jpg)
![Ruben and Justin and the Scales](/outreach/bigbang/rubenJustinScales_small.jpg)
![Ryan and Ben](/outreach/bigbang/ryanBenOtherStudents_small.jpg)
Photos from Jennie Lardge (RHUL), except the one showing the scales which is from The Big Bang.
For further information please contact Gavin Hesketh ( or Ryan Nichol (