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HEP Seminars & Vivas

08 Jan 2025

UCL HEP Seminars 1999

: Brian Cox, Manchester

Hard Colour-Singlet Exchange at HERA and Tevatron

Note; Rearranged Date!

: Nigel Glover, Durham

Prompt Photon production at LEP and Tevatron

: Jeff Forshaw, Manchester

Is there a Higgs Boson?

2pm. Note unusual day!

: Roger Jones, Lancaster

Quark and Gluon Jets and Jet Shapes

: Antonio Soares, UCL

Medical Application of a Gamma Camera.

: Prof. Douglas Ross, Southampton.

Electric Dipole Moments of the Electron and Neutron as a Window on New Physics

: Dr. Burton Richter, SLAC — Darwin Theatre

The Future of High Energy Physics; a Personal View

Open lecture for the UK particle physics community - Sponsored by PPARC.

: Prof. Stanislaw Jadach, CERN

How precise are MC calculations for WW final states?

: Dr. Jason McFall, Bristol

Status of Babar

: Dr. Phil Harris, Sussex

The Search for the Electric Dipole Moment of the Neutron

The discovery of an electric dipole moment of the neutron would have dramatic consequences for particle physics beyond the Standard Model; it may even help us to understand why the universe contains more matter than antimatter. The latest EDM experiment, now running in Grenoble, applies magnetic resonance techniques to stored ultracold neutrons to obtain an extraordinarily high sensitivity, while a newly-developed magnetometer based upon spin-polarised atomic mercury allows unprecedentedly low systematic uncertainties. This talk will cover the motivation behind and the technique of the measurement; the latest results will be presented, together with some ideas for the possible future evolution of the experiment.

: Dr. Neville Harnew, Oxford

LHCB - Detector and Physics Challenge

: Matthew Wing, McGill University/UCL

Semileptonic Decays in ZEUS and Open Beauty at HERA

: Dr. Witek Krasny, Paris/Oxford

Nuclear Options at HERA

The HERA ep collider turned out, rather unexpectedly, to be the best machine for studies of strong interaction physics in the most intriguing domain of transition between soft and hard interactions of real and virtual photons at large and small distances. This unique microscope provide means to look at quarks and gluons in a very broad range of "precisely tunable space-time volumes" and, if nuclear option is realized, using "tunable magnification" of the color forces. What are the perspectives of nuclear program at HERA? Is a curiosity driven research program for eA scattering feasible? I shall try to answer these and other questions in my seminar.

: Dr. John Hassard, ICSTM.

What Can Particle Physics do for DNA Sequencing?

The HEP community in the UK has suffered a large drop in real funding in the last ten years. Paradoxically, our research prospects in HEP may never have been brighter. However, there has been a remarkable drop in applicants to physics - at all levels - partly as a consequence of a perceived lack of future for the subject as a discipline in its own right. Few would dispute the long-term importance of pure research at a cultural and societal level; many consider an emphasis on short-term spin-offs to be irrelevant or even counterproductive. I will illustrate the short-term utility of physics in general and HEP in particular by discussing our biotechnology and biomedicine programmes and making the connection to pure research. My central thesis is that if we take care of the short term, the long term takes care of itself. The key is in making the connection.