UCL Department of Physics and Astronomy »

High Energy Physics

11 Feb 2025

HEP Lab Equipment Database

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Detectors (3 Items)

 Name Sub-category Location Contact Experiment Specifications
MINOS Scintillator PlaneScintillatorOff-siteProf. Jenny ThomasMINOSPlastic scintillator detector plane wrapped in tyvek with light coupling; 1m x 1m x 5cm; 17kg
SuperNEMO Demonstrator Scintillator Long BarScintillatorOff-siteProf. Ruben SaakyanSuperNEMOPlastic scintillator bar wrapped in reflector; 200cm x 10cm x 10cm; 20kg
SuperNEMO Demonstrator Scintillator PaddleScintillatorOff-siteProf. Ruben SaakyanSuperNEMOPlastic scintillator wrapped in reflector in wood box; 211cm x 17cm x 24cm; 17kg

NIM Modules and Crates (24 Items)

 Name Sub-category Location Contact Experiment Specifications
Philips Fast AmplifierAmplifierGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics
Philips Fast Amplifier 779AmplifierGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics
Concidence UnitConcidence UnitGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics3 channel coincidence unit
LeCroy ECL-NIM ConverterConverterGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics
NIM-TTL ConverterConverterGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics
PI Bonn TTL-ECL ConverterConverterGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics
CERN Nanosecond Delay UnitDelayGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics0-32ns delay
J & P Engineering NM 640 Delay Unit DelayGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy PhysicsVariable delay unit 0-16ns
Variable Nanosecond Delay UnitDelayGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy PhysicsVariable delay unit 0-64ns
LRS 620BL DiscriminatorDiscriminatorGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics
LRS Logic Fan-In Fan-OutFan-OutGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics
Linear Fan-OutFan-OutGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics
LeCroy Logic Fan-in Fan-outFanoutGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics
Ortec Fast Filter AmplifierFast Filter AmplifierGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics
Ortec Timing Filter AmplifierFilterGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics
Caen N126 General Purpose HV Power SupplyHV Power SupplyGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics
CERN Flip-flopLogic UnitGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics
EG&G-ESN CO4010 Quad 4-fold Logic UnitLogic UnitGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics
LeCroy Dual Gate GeneratorPulse GeneratorGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics
Ortec NIM 480 PulserPulserGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics
50 Ohm Resistive SplitterSplitterGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics
LRS 370 8-Channel Strobed CoincidenceStrobed CoincidenceGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics
Ortec NIM TACTDCGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy PhysicsTime amplitude converter
CAEN Dual TimerTimerGordon Street cupboardsProf. Ruben SaakyanHigh Energy Physics

Power Supplies (2 Items)

 Name Sub-category Location Contact Experiment Specifications
Caen Desktop HV Power SupplyHV Power SupplyD106Prof. Simon JollyPBT4 Ch Reversible 8 kV/3 mA (8 W) Desktop HV Power Supply; 239 x 84 x 184 mm; 5.2kg
Caen NIM/Desktop HV Power SupplyHV Power SupplyC23Prof. Simon JollyPBT4 Ch Reversible 8 kV/3 mA (8 W) NIM/Desktop HV Power Supply; 221 x 68 x 246 mm; 2.6kg; NIM rack or standalone

Storage and Experimental Enclosures (2 Items)

 Name Sub-category Location Contact Experiment Specifications
PBT Zarges 105L portable experimental enclosureExperimental enclosureD27 PhysicsProf. Simon JollyPBT800mm x 500mm x 385mm external; ~20kg; aluminium with wheels
PBT Zarges 60L portable experimental enclosureExperimental enclosureD27 PhysicsProf. Simon JollyPBT600mm x 400mm x 385mm external; ~15kg; aluminium with wheels