Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2024/08/07

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Minutes for UCL Proton Beam Therapy Group Meetings, 7th August


Joe Bateman, Sonia Escribano, Febian, Simon Jolly

Simon Jolly

Joe Bateman

  • Successfully updated files for and ran monoenergetic proton pencil beam Geant4 simulation over cvmfs and produced Bragg curve plot.
  • Next steps are to repeat for all PBT Wiki Basic Tutorials and update the wiki page
  • Then create scripting shell files.


  • Working with hierarchical design of FPGA's - separating them into modules that are more manageable - for the VHDL.
  • Looking into using DDCA to communicate with other FQGAs.

Sonia Escribano

  • Replay bug is now fixed.
  • When trying with some older runs from Clatterbridge and PARTREC the graph is sometimes not updating, i.e. files generated correctly but the display seems to update only in certain occasions.
  • When running replay GUI, device not connected error message does not show.
  • Add a checkbox to GUI to determine whether to display one fit or all fits when visualising average only.
  • Eventually add an option for displaying the calibrated date also.