Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2024/07/24

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Minutes for UCL Proton Beam Therapy Group Meetings, 31st July


Joe Bateman, Sonia Escribano, Febian, Simon Jolly

Simon Jolly

  • Sonia, Joe and Simon to visit to Maastricht Proton Therapy Centre on 13th and 14th August.


  • Working on first FPGA tasks
  • Contact Matt to check things such as generating clock signals etc.
  • No more CDT projects until industrial placement - ideally sooner rather than later e.g. Jan

Joe Bateman

  • Successfully ran first Geant4 B1 basic example (from over HEP cluster using CVFMS Geant4 11.2 gcc-10 installation.
  • Next step to look at visualisation - i.e. what packages need to be sourced/installed.

Sonia Escribano

  • Run59 and Run60 5x5 box field 5 Gy from UCLH Beam Test
    • Strange response beyond distal edge of Bragg peak - potentially due to calibration or other issue
    • Ratio between photodiode response for run 59 and 60 constant for most photodiodes except between ~150 and 168 mm
      • acquisition on run starting too late and snipped energy layer at the start
    • with have better data would be interesting to produce time integrated measurements of calibrated measurements to compare to beam current
    • Within each group - integrated depth light output should be the same between each run - way to check photodiode reproducibility between run 59 and 60 since same beam parameters delivered
    • Check dicom to check number of energy layers
  • GUI improvements
    • Beam energy and range buttons on visible when fit gives good results
    • Can run without specifying number of measurements - set a default of 1.5 mins
    • No longer showing graph from prev. Measurements when press graph if not connected
    • How to stop replay GUI - will discuss with Simon