Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2021/01/20
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meetings, 20th January
Simon Jolly, Raffaella Radogna, Saad Shaikh, Fern Pannell
Raffaella Radogna
Saad Shaikh
- Met with Marko to discuss bugs in daisy-chaining – he suggested to test signals with oscilloscope.
- Slowing down DCLK to 5MHz and shuffling board order had no effect.
- Will meet Simon at UCL on 21st to debug daisy-chain with oscilloscope.
- Continued work on USB interface:
- Reset, Pause and Full-Scale Range commands can be sent from C++ macro.
- Bash script can run DAQ and processing scripts simultaneously.
- If file data is stored in is only opened/closed once, DAQ keeps up with integration rate. Otherwise measurements are missed.
- Still need to iron out a few bugs...
- DAQ framework:
- FTDI.cpp should write to a new file every 100 measurements, opening and closing each file just once to optimise speed.
- WriteCSV.cpp should read each file, convert and average measurements, and overwrite a single-line CSV file.
- Can then think about incorporating a fit and writing the fit results to file as well.
Fern Pannell
- MSci Progress Report submitted to Simon
- C++ compiles on Raspberry Pi terminal:
- Navigate to file location
- $ g++ filename.cpp
- $ ./a.out
- Installed libFTDI on the Raspberry Pi
- Problems getting the FTDI C++ code to run successfully, most likely not pointing the code to the correct path for libFTDI1 installation
- Will meet with Saad to get this up and running for next week
- Submitting all HEP PhD applications this week