Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2020/09/16
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meetings, 16th September
Raffaella Radogna, Saad Shaikh, Fern Pannell
Raffaella Radogna
Saad Shaikh
- Implemented readout before and after CONV to allow shortest possible integration times.
- Check performance of 160us vs. 180us – former looks choppy.
- Wrote PBT wiki page on QuARC data analysis.
- Added argument to writeCSV.cpp to set frame-rate.
- Submitted transfer report.
- Will give copy to Raffy for mock mini-viva.
- Wrote and delivered first draft of transfer talk.
- Will implement feedback.
- Started work on USB interface – steep learning curve with Zybo due to USB interface being tied to processor system.
- Might be worth buying another board without a processor to reduce overhead. Looking into this.
Fern Pannell
- Lost a few days of the working week due to stolen Macbook and iPad.
- JavaScript parsing row-based data and displaying on frontend correctly.
- Issues still present with changes to the original data file not being displayed on the graph after browser refresh.
- Reading from different data files does show correct information for each file.
- Ability to display values from selected files but not display values that have been updated in the files themselves suggests a browser issue.
- Investigate cache clearing - problem likely to be based around this.