Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2018/08/29
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meeting, 29th August 2018 (D12, Physics & Astronomy, UCL)
Matthieu Hentz, Simon Jolly, Saad Shaikh
- Running simulations to improve pCT image reconstruction using Simon Rit's code:
- Reasonably sure Simon used 4*10^10 protons for reconstruction.
- Corresponds to 900 per mm^2 per projection with 720 projections.
- 56.25 million protons per projection.
- Using 2.5 million per projection took more than 2 days...
- To Do:
- Investigate use of UCL Legion/Myriad cluster to simulate much larger proton numbers.
- Rebuild phantom in pure GEANT4 to remove need for GATE.
- Currently refining code for waveform reconstruction:
- Building GUI in ROOT.
- PRaVDA tracker code for reading out hits obtained from Dan Walker.
- Will plan a visit to Birmingham from late September onwards.
- To Do:
- Familiarise with PRaVDA tracker reconstruction code.