Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2018/01/10
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meeting, 10th January 2018 (D17, Physics & Astronomy, UCL)
Simon Jolly, Ruben Saakyan, Laurent Kelleter, Anastasia Basharina-Freshville, Jordan Silverman, Dan Walker
- Update on single module detector simulations and scintillator paint tests:
- Larger FWHM smearing now shows increase in spread in detected resolution.
- Still a difference between MC Truth and reconstructed resolutions.
- MC Truth calculated purely from detector resolution: reconstructed resolution also includes beam energy spread.
- When subtracting in quadrature, offset is almost constant: intrinsic energy resolution in the beam?
- Will check energy spread on Matthieu's beam and also rerun simulations with mono-energetic pencil beam.
- Paint tests with scintillator show large decrease in light output.
- Increase in signal/noise results from lower photon statistics.
- Paper should be ready in draft form by end of January.
- Set up Nikon D70 camera from Adam Gibson to take images remotely.
- Will check with Michaela Esposito whether we can use PRaVDA ISDI sensor.
- Spoken to ISDI about commercial sensors: waiting for datasheet.
- Working through CAD modelling in Geant4:
- Should be able to import GDML files into Geant4.
- Autodesk does not support GDML...
- Need bridging software to do conversion: FreeCAD GDML and FastCAD, both of which have drawbacks...
- Running into problems with OpenGL visualisation for Clatterbridge simulations.
- Bug-hunting in binary conversion code: some integrals coming out negative...