Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2024/12/18
Minutes for UCL Proton Beam Therapy Group Meetings, 18th December
Joe Bateman, Sonia Escribano (via teams), Febian, Simon Jolly, Raffaella Radogna (via teams), Andreas Korn (via teams)
Raffaella Radogna
- Possibility of test beam at Trento
- For beam time submission: need amount of time and dose and fields needed at FLASH dose rates
Simon Jolly
- Need to test new ddc boards in jan first before we know when we'll be ready for a beam test - feb/end of march - will be with new electronics
- Page setup on wiki to decide required beam parameters Proton Calorimetry/Experimental Runs/2025/Trento 2025-03
Sonia Escribano
- If set number of boards to >4 when only that number of boards is available retrieves random data
- Investigate with setting max number to 10 (since won't be using more than 8 boards anyway).
Joe Bateman
- TOPAS and FRED simulation of UCLH Beam test run033 SOBP pencil beam 1 (~150 MeV) shows significant differences between Bragg peak shape (ran both codes using default physics lists and settings)
- R_80 of PDD very similar but FRED have sharper Bragg peak with smaller range straggling
- When looking at absolute dose-depth curves - almost identical in the plateau/buildup region but difference in Bragg peak width and height - likely to do with handling on nuclear interactions and energy straggling models
- Will investigate different physics settings and maybe get in touch with Ilaria and Giorgio from Maestro for advice.
- Fully reconstructed all pencil beams (with 1e6 primaries per pb) for run033 in FRED in 3 configurations:
- Size, position and intensity from CMOS; energy from QuARC
- Size and position from CMOS; energy from QuARC; intensities from DICOM
- All parameters from DICOM
- Clear saturation and inaccuracies from CMOS intensities but reconstruction using DICOM intensities shows promising SOBP