Planning details for the 2018 ENLIGHT meeting and training day, hosted by UCL.
To-Do List
- Email Manjit Dosanjh/Cai Grau about meeting dates to confirm: SJ.
- Book Cruciform Building Lecture Theatre for all 4 days: GR.
- Identify Local Organising Committee: SJ, GR.
- Discuss site visit with UCLH/Bouygues: RA.
- Arrange discussion session topics and speakers: RA, GR.
- Find suitable location for formal dinner on Tuesday 26th:
- British Museum.
- Thames riverboat.
- Indian restaurant: Brick Lane, Tayyabs.
Provisional Dates
Monday 25th–Thursday 28th June 2018
- Training Day
- Monday 25th
- ENLIGHT Meeting
- Tuesday 26th–Wednesday 27th
- EPTN Meeting
- Thursday 28th
Local Organising Committee
Richard Amos, Simon Jolly, Gary Royle.