Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2025/02/18
Minutes for UCL Proton Beam Therapy Group Meetings, 18th February
Joe Bateman, Sonia Escribano, Simon Jolly
Simon Jolly
- Chase up Harry about scintillator sheets
- Chase up Tony about UCLH CMOS data for 3x3 and 5x5 fields
- Electronics will be received by 20/2
- Sonia and Joe to consider options for normalisation of QuARC signal to be in terms of Gy or MU
- Aiming for beam tests - UCLH for week 5/5, Trento for week 12/5
Sonia Escribano
- Average.csv file that writes raw data to decimal format, separated into two for dual readout
- Checked that data and errors from average.csv and average_dual.csv are identical and work on gui
- Will need to generate two calibrated file in real time
- Need to check reading direction of fpga so knows which way the calibration coefficients need to be applied
- Created separate DAQ_dual and gui that shows both Bragg peaks
- Calibration performed for post processing
- Need to create two separate files and calibrate independently
- Currently run split_file.cpp works from terminal and generates two files but files not generated when run from GUI
- Alternative option to generate two separated files during acquisition directly
- Scintillators should be ready from John and Wayne in 1.5 months ? Will take longest
- Assembly by mid-april?
- Joe chase up photodiodes order
- Matt shall be testing rev e and mod firmware with new electronics next week
- Windows + patch panel will take around a couple of weeks
Joe Bateman
- For QuADProBe reconstruction adjusting energy by constant offset since QuARC seems to be measuring ~5.5 MeV less than DICOM
- For paper reconstructions should run simulations using:
- All DICOM params
- All QuADProBe params (1 using CMOS intensity, another using QuARC intensity)
- QuADProBe params, DICOM intensity
- Just QuARC energy
- Had call with Sam on Monday to discuss transmission calorimeter data - can try to use it to scale to actual dose, although TC data is in K but has been correlated with prescribed dose
- Attempted to duplicate QuARC G4 simulation in TOPAS but not so successful so will continue using the G4 version