< ELogs
To Do
MC Simulations
- Modify ProtonGB and/or ProtonSB Geant4 examples to start doing 3D dose reconstruction from UCLH beam test
- Need to modify output so that it goes dose in 3D voxels as opposed to integrated z-axis and lateral mesh.
- Voxel size? Same as TPS or larger?
- Distance from source to water phantom and size ion water phantom.
- No. of histories per beamlet and no. of repeats per beamlet.
- Need to modify output so that it goes dose in 3D voxels as opposed to integrated z-axis and lateral mesh.
- Eventually compare QuADProBe MC simulation to that reconstructed from TPS/DICOM values or TPS dose distribution using Gamma pass rate.
- After successful reconstruction with Geant4 start looking into FRED-MC download and using HEP GPU.
- Reconstruct Raffy's setup in our lab using the NI, zybo and photodiodes (without the fibre array)
- Consider potential ways of calibrating fibre to PD coupling.