Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2024/08/21

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Revision as of 14:00, 3 September 2024 by JosephBateman (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Minutes for UCL Proton Beam Therapy Group Meetings, 7th August == === Present === '''Joe Bateman''', '''Febian''', '''Simon Jolly''' === Simon Jolly === * Matt has been working FPGA, daughter board and photodiode connections - Matt showed us photodiode readout with clean signal that is no longer noisy === Febian === * Continuation of work on FPGA - couldn't get communication to daughter board * Using ftdi used to communicate...")
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Minutes for UCL Proton Beam Therapy Group Meetings, 7th August


Joe Bateman, Febian, Simon Jolly

Simon Jolly

  • Matt has been working FPGA, daughter board and photodiode connections - Matt showed us photodiode readout with clean signal that is no longer noisy


  • Continuation of work on FPGA - couldn't get communication to daughter board
  • Using ftdi used to communicate ddc and interfaced with c++ so looking into this
  • Eventually planning remake fpga code from scratch since current code has a lot of things commented out etc - but should check with Saad first

Joe Bateman

  • Updated and ran tutorials using Geant4 11.2 over CVMFS
  • Next step to update PBT Wiki tutorials and update bash shell scripts for sourcing the correct environments - will need Simons help for this
  • Also since Maastricht visit - have been looking into alternative MC simulation codes for QuADProBe dose reconstruction - FRED-MC (as used by Maestro, Sapienza and PSI) is GPU-accelerated and much faster - potential option for future MC work