Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2024/07/31
Minutes for UCL Proton Beam Therapy Group Meetings, 31st July
Joe Bateman, Sonia Escribano, Febian, Simon Jolly
Simon Jolly
[[ELogs/SoniaEscribano|Sonia Escribano]
- Run059 and Run060 box fields
- DICOM files from Alison - confirms 10 different beams and that all data was acquired
- Calibrating measurements layer by layer.
- Fitting on calibrated beams works for first 5 beams - but after this the faulty photodiode affects the BP fit.
- Check where this faulty diode over measurement is coming from i.e. whether it's from a calibration error to attempt to find universal correction for this PD
- Potentially constrain fit by applying larger errors to faulty points i.e. by comparing relative distance from adjacent points, or make a larger error if arising from raw measurements as opposed to from calibration etc.
- Comparing energies of well-fitted points compared to DICOM energies and a linear relation with offset.
- When including adjusted fit energies, to those from DICOM - linear fit although lower energies have a larger deviation from linearity
- Deviation seen between the integral areas for run059 and run060 on some beams.
- Plot of integral between integral for each beam number for run059 and run060 shows relatively good agreement except for some beams
- Could plot against MU from DICOM files
- Plot of range between run060 and run059 for each beam also shows good agreement.
- Replay GUI
- Problem with max x value - find maximum value and add 4 sheets
- as long all previous 4 sheets have a lower value than the maximum value (to account for faulty photodiodes).
- Problem with max x value - find maximum value and add 4 sheets
- Figuring out how to stop GUI replay
- Sonia and Simon will discuss GUI shell script after meeting
- Figuring out how to stop GUI replay
- Working on FPGA clock
- Created git repository for code on FPGA implementation
- Develop one git repository for tutorial codes and another one for implementation on FPGA codes for different components
[[ELogs/JoeBateman|Joe Bateman]
- Working on Geant4 simulation examples with visualisation - try using pc188 with OpenGL
- Also working on attempting to get the PBT wiki proton beam Geant4 examples running on Geant4 11.2 over CVMFS
- Should aim to ensure that eventually all updated scripts can run on most up-to-date G4 version without it breaking all the code.