Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2021/07/02
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meetings, 23rd June
Simon Jolly, Saad Shaikh, Fern Pannell
Saad Shaikh
- Painted 2 pairs of scintillator sheets with Derek.
- Will collect and measure painted pairs tomorrow.
- Optimised ROOT fitting speed: using Legendre-Gauss integration algorithm and Fumili minimisation.
- 32 data points: 12Hz with ROOT display and 35-40Hz without. Fitting smooth QB function.
- Will consolidate new version of fitting into rest of fitting scripts.
- Will test differences in fit results using Legendre-Gauss/Fumili compared to default GSL/Minuit.
- Will add regular Bortfeld curve to live fit and output file for GUI.