Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2021/04/21
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meetings, 21st April
Simon Jolly, Raffaella Radogna, Saad Shaikh
Saad Shaikh
- Package arrived safely at CosyLab and Marko is able to run DAQ with loaned Nexys Video and Raspberry Pi.
- Conducted beam test at UCLH, experimental notes found here.
- Started analysis on UCLH data, discussed first findings in this presentation.
- Will add frame rate and averaging rate as seperate arguments for averaged replay script.
- Will add measurement number and number of measurements to view as arguments for stepped replay script.
- Need to tweak shoot-through averaging to take into account absolute light difference in shoot-throughs.
- Need to reduce effects of pulsing by taking average of each acquisition to divide photodiode values with. This should reduce standard deviation artificially.
- Need to consolidate UCLH reference curves for comparison.
- Will meet Simon tomorrow at UCL to:
- Measure full scintillator stack thickness.
- Note down scintillator sheet order.
- Measure photodiode cross-talk using LED (without dismantling setup).
- Dark measurements at different FSR in lab/office (with CMOS sensor running?).
- Potentially discuss scintillator reflection with Derek.