Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2021/02/17
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meetings, 17th February
Simon Jolly, Raffaella Radogna, Saad Shaikh, Fern Pannell
Raffaella Radogna
Saad Shaikh
- FTDI script now writes raw data to single file (opening and closing file once) and performs 50Hz rolling average, updating single file .csv file with averaged values in pC.
- Plotting and fitting routines now much simpler as they just need to access .csv file as fast as possible, with no hex to decimal conversion required.
- Slowest part of FTDI scipt is the conversion of each acquisition to decimal for rolling average. Will investigate if this can be parallelised.
- Next major step is to investigate non-ROOT-based fit.
- Installed Bootcamp on personal laptop with Vivado etc.
- Will work on HEP summer school poster and problem sheet.