Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2020/05/06
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meetings, 6th May (Everyone is working from home)
Laurent Kelleter, Saad Shaikh, Raffaella radogna
Raffaella Radogna
Saad Shaikh
- Set up parallel GEANT4 project from a basic example to rebuild Laurent's simulation from scratch.
- Analysed SOBP data from HIT 12th April 2019, was able to successfully fit data but realised that data acquisition missed some of the beam delivery. Shown in this [ plot].
- Moved away from current binned fitting implementation, in favour of ROOT's fitting option "I" and using smooth QB function to fit data. Fit speed roughly the same. Note: SOBP fit fails with this option, but fit results are fine without it. SOBP fit takes ~10mins with original binned fit implementation, takes 10s with smooth QB fit.
- Started research into FPGA programming:
- Some basic theory of logic gates, LUTs, Flip-flops etc.
- Ran the hardware-version of 'Hello World' on Zybo: program the board to blink an LED.