Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2019/01/09
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meeting, 9th January 2019 (D17, Physics & Astronomy, UCL)
Simon Jolly, Raffaella Radogna, Laurent Kelleter, Jeremy Ocampo, Saad Shaikh, Fernando Franco Felix, James Golbourn, Ohie Mayenin, Matthieu Hentz
SJ, RR' and MH need to register for [1].
- Group placement coming up with Valtech working on NHS patient data.
- Two HEP exams in January.
- Enrolled on Simon Arridge's Inverse Problems course.
- Working through CERN Geant4 examples.
- To Do:
- Contact Adam Gibson and arrange meeting to discuss Birmingham scintillator measurements.
- Ask Adam about building scintillator simulations in Geant4.
- Working through preliminary documents for patent application for Vassilios Albanis.
- Started testing new PCIe Thunderbolt enclosure for CameraLink card.
- Designed a logo!
- To Do:
- Organise equipment in new boxes.
- Get PCIe enclosure working.
- Start learning analysis with Laurent.
- Working on stuff.
- Heidelberg data stored on plus1 and relevant parts sent to Lennart Volz.
- Started looking into Heidelberg data:
- Rough reconstruction of SOBP.
- Seeing droop due to high quenching of light.
- To Do:
- PTCOG abstracts and registration.
- Detailed data analysis for Heidelberg data.
- Prepare for school talk on 4/11/18.
- Workshop on paper writing 7/11/18.
- Start writing paper on proton calorimetry results.
- Analyse Heidelberg beam mixing data.
- Been reading background on particle-matter interactions and Monte Carlo simulations.
- Spoken to Adam Gibson about importing more sophisticated geometries and input beam distributions.
- Still going through reading list provided by Jamie McClelland and Adam Gibson.
- To Do:
- Build Geant4 simulations of Cherenkov emission in water and scintillation light output from scintillator block.
- Clarify meaning of phase space in radiotherapy.
- Written project outline for SJ to review.
- Waiting on SJ to make contact with UCLH QA experts.
- To Do:
- Search for more information on QA techniques..
- Follow up references from PSI paper.
- Made progress on reconstructing energy spectra from LeCroy waveform data from Birmingham experimental runs:
- Modified baseline subtraction now finds peak of pulse.
- Resulting spectra look very similar to Caen ADC spectra.
- To Do:
- Check total number of protons in each peak for eyepatch data.
- Send spectra to Tony Price.
- Retrieve tracker data from Tony Price.
- Improvements to Geant4 simulations.
- Reconstruction much faster due to analytical reconstruction algorithm: helps to prototype simulations.
- Full reconstruction now working: simple phantom gives very accurate reconstruction with fan beam.
- Looked into labelling individual protons: ROOT truncates strings...
- To Do:
- Transfer report almost finished: due Friday...
- Set up large scale simulations on plus1.
- Contact Simon Rit and Niels Krah to convert ITK images to DICOM.
- Contact Jamie McClelland for DICOM image conversion and reconstruction tools.
- Assign ID to each proton to speed up pre and post matching.