Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2017/03/29

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Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meeting, 29th March 2017 (D17, Physics & Astronomy, UCL)


Simon Jolly, Laurent Kelleter, Anastasia Basharina-Freshville



  • Looking at dose build-up effect in proton therapy and secondary particles.
    • Dose increases at start of X-ray depth dose curve due to short-range electron shower.
    • Effect present for protons but much smaller.
  • Managed to reproduce results over 10mm from Benjamin Tham's previous simulations.
  • Build-up effect present for both electrons and secondary hadrons, but build-up much shorter for electron shower (~1mm).
  • Will run simulations for 100MeV and 200MeV with higher statistics.