< ELogs
To Do
MC Simulations
Dose Reconstruction
- Reconstructing UCLH 04-5/2024 QuADProBe Beam Test Dose Distributions - mainly SOBP and 3x3x7 cm^3 box field using TOPAS (via CVMFS on HEP Cluster) and FRED (locally for now, but eventually over Hypatia GPU cluster).
- Disagreement between depth dose curve for FRED and TOPAS (using default physics settings) - agreement in plateau but FRED has sharper and higher Bragg Peak
- Only an issue when there's an energy spread in the pencil beam (i.e. PDD's agree almost perfectly for a mono energetic beam with no spread) - likely to do with energy straggling?
- Investigating physics lists and in touch with Maestro o attempt to solve discrepancy (currently taking TOPAS as ground truth)
QuARC & QuADProBe Geant4 Simulations
- Consider potential ways of calibrating fibre to PD coupling.
- Using Geant4 sim?
- Scanning diode or uniform light source?
- Hassle Simon about Hamamatsu PD arrays !!!
- Prepare slides about DAQ systems for existing fibre / fibre array detectors
Conference Abstracts
- PTCOG - decided not to submit for standard but possibility of late breaking if have beam test beforehand
- PPRIG - submitted
- Possible paper on UCLH beam test MC reconstructions?