Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2025/01/15
Minutes for UCL Proton Beam Therapy Group Meetings, 8th January
Joe Bateman, Sonia Escribano, Simon Jolly,Andreas Korn , Raffaella Radogna (via teams) , Harry Barnett , Matt Warren
Raffaella Radogna
- Started filling [[Proton Calorimetry/Experimental Runs/2025/Trento 2025-03|wiki page] for plans for test beam in Trento
- Received sheets of tuffnel material - whether there will be an updated CAD from harry - on how to proceed on frame for second prototype
- Will discuss with Bari mech eng to discuss drawings for second prototype designs etc
Harry Barnett
- Just QuARC enclosure windows left to design
- Wheels have been added in CAD
- Everything else pretty much designed - prioritise everything over the wheels
- Has discussed with Sonia to mount fpga and rasb pi to ceiling - but ideally add a shock absorber for the circuits
- And ensure that raspberry pi in its case with heatsink when attached to lid with shock absorber doesn't collide with scintillator stack when closing lid
- Quickest route to get scintillator sheets manufactured in shortest time is via John and Wayne in Wales