Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2017/03/15
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meeting, 15th March 2017 (D17, Physics & Astronomy, UCL)
Simon Jolly, Ruben Saakyan, Anastasia Basharina-Freshville, Laurent Kelleter, Adam Knoetze, Matthieu Hentz, Andreas Christou, Jordan Silverman
- Working on waveform fitting in ROOT:
- Gaussian part of the fit works.
- Trying to fit falling edge of pulse using single exponential.
- Will try implementing double exponential.
- Can already filter out pulses with more than one peak:
- Will reconstruct ADC spectrum from filtered waveforms.
- Will vary integration window for pulse (50, 100, 150ns used in experiment).
- Looking at emittance and beam profile evolution along Clatterbridge beamline.
- Ignoring protons that fall outside the measurement region in simulations.
- Need to check initial parameters and beam density distributions: will plot intensity distributions to make it clearer.
- Updated geometry based on information from Andrzej.
- Looking at Hamamatsu PMT response to LED.
- RS and ABF will walk through results to suggest improvements.
- Started looking at data from MedAustron experimental runs.
- 0.7% FWHM energy resolution at 252MeV!
- Will continue analysing results: can distribute to collaborators once complete.
- Still looking at photon depth curve in simulations.
- Improved y errors: includes fluctuation in energy deposition.
- Fit looks good but not perfect around Bragg peak.
- Errors on fitted energy underestimated but final range close to reality.
- SJ suggests contacting Roger Barlow (Huddersfield) to discuss fit accuracy.