Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2017/03/08
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meeting, 8th March 2017 (D17, Physics & Astronomy, UCL)
Simon Jolly, Ruben Saakyan, Anastasia Basharina-Freshville, Laurent Kelleter, Adam Knoetze, Matthieu Hentz, Andreas Christou, Jordan Silverman
- Working on waveform fitting in ROOT:
- Gaussian part of the fit works.
- Trying to fit falling edge of pulse using single exponential.
- Will try implementing double exponential.
- Can already filter out pulses with more than one peak:
- Will reconstruct ADC spectrum from filtered waveforms.
- Will vary integration window for pulse (50, 100, 150ns used in experiment).
- Looking at emittance and beam profile evolution along Clatterbridge beamline.
- Ignoring protons that fall outside the measurement region in simulations.
- Need to check initial parameters and beam density distributions: will plot intensity distributions to make it clearer.
- Updated geometry based on information from Andrzej's.
- Testing LED pulser to check whether variation in gain comes from LED or PMT.
- After MedAustron will retest with super-stable SuperNEMO LEDs.
- Taking signal from last dynode rather than anode to avoid final gain stage (~3.5) and saturation.
- Long scintillator bars arrived from Nuvia:
- Wrapped in mylar only to reduce amount of internal reflections.
- Energy resolution worse: ~11% at 1MeV.
- Preparing for MedAustron: MH and LK will prepare cables...
- Housing needs modifying to fit long scintillator bar: need to make sure its light tight in case room lights cannot be switched off. LK suggests using a cardboard box...
- Fitting curve to photon yield to check Bragg curve.
- Fit not yet perfect: still using an approximation.