Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2017/02/15
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meeting, 25th January 2017 (D17, Physics & Astronomy, UCL)
Simon Jolly, Ruben Saakyan, Anastasia Basharina-Freshville, Laurent Kelleter, Adam Knoetze, Matthieu Hentz
- Working with pulser and LED.
- Running detector emulator into digitiser produces exact replication of spectra as expected.
- Driving LED with detector emulator more problematic: digitiser won't trigger properly on PMT output.
- Driving LED with regular pulses gives similar response to experimental measurements:
- For Hamamatsu base, mean ADC position (gain) drops with frequency then stabilises around 100kHz;
- For UCL base, ADC mean drops quickly then rises from ~30kHz up to ~450kHz.
- Will try more measurements at lower and higher frequencies.
- PDFs of layout sent to Clatterbridge and Carsten Welsch: no response as yet...
- Measuring the emittance evolution down the Clatterbridge beamline:
- Original element written by ESA: doesn't work...
- Will write own custom element for specifying input emittance.
- Looking at getting the proton range (mean proton energy) from a scintillation photon depth distribution.
- Deriving analytic function to describe quenched Bragg Peak very complex...and may not be accurate...