Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2017/01/25
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meeting, 25th January 2017 (D17, Physics & Astronomy, UCL)
Simon Jolly, Anastasia Basharina-Freshville, Andreas Christou, Adam Knoetze, Matthieu Hentz
- Working on analysis of scope waveform data.
- ROOT will now identify bad pulses!
- ROOT TSpectrum will analyse waveforms for double peaks based on histogram distribution.
- Will next try and fit to good waveforms to train pulse filtering and integration.
- Anastasia suggests looking at low and high rate files with no absorber.
- Will also complete Java code to import binary files directly into ROOT: need to include input arguments.
- Looking at various output spectra from Caen detector emulator.
- Trying to set spectrum of waveform magnitudes (Caen instructions plus trial and error...).
- Taking average of "large" waveforms to produce mean waveform for emulator.
- Detector emulator time resolution much coarser than scope data (~160MHz): need to extract subset of individual waveform data to produce approximation of our waveforms.
- Next step is to put output of detector emulator into digitiser and try and recreate Clatterbridge results.
- Clatterbridge simulations: now running 1 million events:
- Split simulations and submitted to batch farm: reduced simulation time from 24 hrs to 30 mins.
- Will look into longer simulations using different batch farm queues.
- Updated beamline construction with second dose monitor.
- Will put together diagram with coordinates, dimensions and materials to send to Clatterbridge to check dimensions.
- Will also collate results to send to Carsten Welsch at Liverpool for review.