Plasma Wakefield/DriverStudy

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Electron and Positron beams generated with DEFAULT JPF beamfile generator, run through for beam diagnostics, and used with JPF base0.cfg (edited for increased duration and format of outputted results).

A positive q/m is obtained by changing the sign of the bunch charge in and the sign of Qw.

Run Number Driver Description Base Configuration Window Width Window Length q/m Total Weight (pC) LCODE ampl LCODE Beam Current LCODE Beam Length Beam Length (um) Energy (approx) (MeV) Comments
1 electron base0.cfg (JPF) 3.84 10 -1.0 -49.980500 n/a n/a n/a 59.755747 150 Result as expected, but need to run over greater plasma depth.
2 electron base0.cfg (JPF) 3.84 100 -1.0 -49.980500 n/a n/a n/a 59.755747 150 Longer run.
3 electron base0.cfg (JPF) 3.84 100 -1.0 -49.980500 n/a n/a n/a 59.755747 150 Longer run.