Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2022/03/16
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meetings, 16th March
Saad Shaikh, Raffaella Radogna
Saad Shaikh
- Registered for IOP HEPP and APP conference and will give 15 min talk.
- Simon to provide support letter for MAPS travel fund, to hopefully pay £800 towards CALOR 2022 conference.
- 25 10mm x 10mm x 3mm scintillator sheets drilled with fibre holes.
- Will conduct lab tests when Simon 3D-prints new stack holder.
- Implemented Sensitive Detector for photodiodes and realistic beam characteristics using General Particle Source in Geant4 simulation.
- Next step to implement scoring mesh to score dose sheet-by-sheet and Ntuple to count total photons by photodiode.
- Xcode 13.3 and associated command line tools along with ROOT 6.26.00 appeared to have fixed compatibility problems.
- Xcode 13.3 requires macOS Monterey, so will test latest versions of Xcode, MacPorts, ROOT and Geant4 on DAQ laptop before upgrading main machine.