Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2019/01/23
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meetings, 23rd January 2019 (D12/D17, Physics & Astronomy, UCL)
MSc Meeting, 23rd January (D12, Physics & Astronomy, UCL)
Simon Jolly, Raffaella Radogna, Fernando Franco Felix
Fernando Franco Felix
- Updated summary of photodiode calculations.
- References Hamamatsu Si photodiode datasheets.
- Will look up texts on CT scanner technology:
Raffaella Radogna
- Completed To Do list and organised completed tasks by month.
- Contacted Caen to connect HV supply via ethernet: USB working but not ethernet.
- Has Nikon D7500 camera: will install software on DAQ laptop.
Proton Calorimetry Meeting, 23rd January (D17, Physics & Astronomy, UCL)
Simon Jolly, Raffaella Radogna, Laurent Kelleter, Ohie Mayenin, Saad Shaikh, James Golbourn