< Software
Local Installation on MacOS
Correct for MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6
- Install Xcode from the Mac App Store. (Note: If using an older version of MacOS, previous versions of Xcode can be found here: [1]
- Enable command line tools for Xcode using the terminal command: xcode-select --install.
- Download and run the ROOT dmg from CERN: [2]
- Navigate to your user folder in Finder, use CMD+SHIFT+. to show hidden files, one of which will be .bash_profile.
- Edit the text file by adding the line: . <pathname>/root/bin/ (where <pathname> is the directory that leads to the folder ROOT is installed in, noting that the folder root typically has a version number attached to it)
- If your .bash_profile is locked, add permissions by selecting “Get Info” and unlocking the file/giving yourself read and write privileges.
- You can now run ROOT in terminal by typing root.