Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2017/11/22
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meeting, 15th November 2017 (D17, Physics & Astronomy, UCL)
Simon Jolly, Ruben Saakyan, Anastasia Basharina-Freshville, Jordan Silverman, Dan Walker
- WaveCatcher has arrived!
- ABF will have first look then pass on to DW.
- Hamamatsu flat panel sensor needs to be ordered:
- ABF will chase up.
- Comparing Matthieu's simulated spectrum to results for Clatterbridge single module:
- Spectrum looks closer than before to measured spectrum.
- Landau fit working for peak but long tail not well described.
- RS suggests Network Performance Analysis!
- Will work with Laurent on improving fitting of data.
- Testing Hamamatsu boosted PMT base:
- Erratic behaviour disappears when boosting 6th dynode but peak still drops with increasing frequency.
- Looking into CAD modelling in Geant4:
- Issues with each option for CAD import!
- Will email SJ with details of CAD import issues.
- Haven't pursued PRaVDA VM.
- Will look at ROOT fitting with details from ABF.
- Will start to run Clatterbridge simulations from Matthieu.
- Working to fit waveform files in ROOT.
- Have simplified filtering: will add in baseline subtraction for each waveform.
- ABF suggests using alternative method than pulse fitting to distinguish double pulses: will be much faster!