Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2017/05/24
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meeting, 24th May 2017 (D17, Physics & Astronomy, UCL)
Simon Jolly, Laurent Kelleter, Anastasia Basharina-Freshville, Jordan Silverman
- Full data acquisition now running completely over the network:
- Single 50m cat6a cable runs into treatment room.
- Network hub in treatment room connects to DAQ PC/laptop and scope.
- DAQ PC connects to Caen digitiser, HV and detector emulator.
- Connect to scope and DAQ PC via Windows Remote Desktop.
- Looking at effect of splitting signals for remote testing:
- Need to split signal from PMT to Caen digitiser and scope with 50 Ω splitter.
- Spectra become less Gaussian and more difficult to fit when using splitter.
- σpedestal and σwidth very similar...
- Effects get worse with lower ADC counts.
- Current 50 Ω splitter will not work for our purposes.
- Need to find a solution in order to monitor signal in 2 places:
- Make an active splitter?
- Get a 50 Ω BNC splitter to reduce number of cables and connectors.
- SJ suggest contacting Samer Al-Kilani and Izzat Darwazeh (UCL EE) for optimal cables and splitting.
- Update on segmented calorimeter simulations:
- Corrected Physics List to include nuclear interactions.
- Simulations more accurate due to inclusion of nuclear build-up: fit now slightly worse as a result.
- SJ agrees that these effects should be included in the model, but probably not at this stage.