Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2024/09/18

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Minutes for UCL Proton Beam Therapy Group Meetings, 18th September


Joe Bateman, Sonia Escribano, Febian, Simon Jolly, Raffaella Radogna (via zoom)

Raffaella Radogna

  • Pushing for masters student to complete analysis of SciFi monitor (but not with protons from Linear Beam)
  • It is okay for measurement of the beam spot position through the centroid of the cluster
  • Beam size measurements very sensitive to geometric variation between coupling between pixels and fibres - need to find a way to calibrate fibre response
    • Pixel sharing between fibres due to pixel pitch
  • Potential calibration method through shining collimated light onto each of the fibres
  • Noticing reduced intensity on the central pixels
  • Has travel money to use up before end of 2024 - plans to come to UCL.
    • w/b of 28th October to look at SciFi tracker and discuss integrated design
    • Possible second trip in December for beam test if new electronics and scintillator sheets are ready


  • Upcoming CDT event on 24/10 to present a 2 minute presentation and poster

Joseph Bateman

  • Working on scripting for sourcing the relevant environments to run Geant4 via CVMFS on the cluster.
  • Joe and Simon had meeting w/ Ilaria and Giorgio from Maastro to discuss more about FRED-MC for dose reconstruction from QuADProBe measurements and the hardware requirements etc.

Sonia Escribano

  • Preparing a talk for the Science Slam session at the DKFZ Medical Physics Summer School
  • Suggestions for QuARC Calibration Issues:
    • Compare the method Saad was using and the new method with the old shoot through files
    • Check with the Manchester and PARTREC data
  • To check up on status of scintillators and follow up with Harry & Martin

Simon Jolly

  • Harry has been in charge of dealing with scintillator sheets but has been occupied by SuperNEMO
  • Have rough cuts from nuvia - either go to Daytron high precision machinery or to someone who has one of these machines. Daytron can do better 10 um flatness
  • Need Martin to machine the flatness
  • Things needed to sort before next beam test:
    • Oxford to do small changes to zmod board
    • Pete Hastings have new ddc boards
    • New scintillators for a full stack -
    • If doing full QuADProBe test only need two stacks
  • Plan for PTCOG Argentina Talk:
    • Full 3D treatment plan MC reconstruction with log file data and QuADProBe measurements at Maastro and at PSI
    • Unsure whether SciFi tracker will be available so will likely have to use Tony's CMOS sensor again if available.
  • Aim for QuARC beam test before end of 2024 - at UCLH