Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2021/02/22
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meetings, 22nd February
Simon Jolly, Saad Shaikh, Fern Pannell
Saad Shaikh
- Added standard deviation error calculation to FTDI averaging process, writes errors to an additional line in CSV file.
- Multithreaded (3 in total) FTDI code to optimise DAQ speed. With an integration time of 170us and 4 DDC232 boards, average time between measurements is typically 172us, down from about 200-210us.
- Will meet with Clive and Izzat on 23rd to discuss daisy-chain problems on DDC232 board.
- Will assist Fern in setting up libFTDI on Raspberry Pi early next week.
- Created poster for HEP summer school.
- Will spend most of time this week working on pre-HEP School problems.