Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2020/12/09
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meetings, 9th December
Simon Jolly, Raffaella Radogna, Saad Shaikh, Fern Pannell
Raffaella Radogna
Saad Shaikh
- Compared readout speeds of TI DDC232, DDC316 and DDC118: DDC232 with 1:1 photodiode to input mapping is the best option, with largest dynamic range and minimum integration time of 181 us with 5 modules.
- Optimised live ROOT-based plotting and fitting of photodiode data: can get roughly 40 FPS with live plot and 6 FPS with live fit (with residual plot).
- Will investigate frame rate without residual plot and without any graphing.
- Took measurements at home using UV torch – doesn't appear to be a good uniform source of light. Results appended to Nov 12th experiment.
- Successfully ran libFTDI on Windows using Visual Studio and can connect via DPTI on Nexys Video after overwriting default FTDI USB drivers.
- libFTDI deregisters USB CDC drivers upon use – Matt has suggested a fix to split JTAG and DPTI sides of interface into two cables. Will require new cable and soldering modification to Nexys Video, which will be done some time next week.
- Once up and running, will hopefully be able to debug and continue to develop USB interface.
Fern Pannell
- PhotodiodeValues.csv can now be updated by running the Java file on the HEP server
- SSH user connection, followed by SSH pc1XX.
- Navigate to java directory within pbt/PDdisplay
- Run java -cp . pbt.PhotoDiodeDataWriter 20 ../photodiodeValues.csv (where output rate and path file can be specified)
- Need to determine how to translate the current working (but limited) prototype display into either CanvasJS or Chart.js
- Investigate whether CanvasJS or Chart.js is more suitable for final display