Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2019/02/27
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meetings, 29th/30th January 2019 (D12, Physics & Astronomy, UCL)
MSci Meeting, 26th February (D12, Physics & Astronomy, UCL)
Simon Jolly, Ohie Mayenin, Saad Shaikh, Raffaella Radogna, Jeremy Ocampo
Jeremy Ocampo
- Looking into optical light production from Cherenkov and scintillation in Geant4.
- Struggling to implement realistic photon production with phase space file: SJ suggests contacting Ben Morgan < at Warwick.
- Will start looking into spatial distribution of light production and photon counting: also conversion between light production and dose.
- Not attending courses: easier doing coursework remotely.
Saad Shaikh
- Checking scale factors for comparing Caen and LeCroy spectra.
- Looking into peak signal size to compare different PMMA thicknesses.
- Writing first draft of final report: should send to SJ in a week.
Ohie Mayenin
- Issues with Clatterbridge BDSIM simulation: odd results from some runs but not others:
- Magnet field strengths arbitrarily changed.
- Beam loss at some quadrupoles.
- Jacinta is investigating.
- Preparing for Clatterbridge trip on 28th Feb.
Raffaella Radogna
- Almost finished consolidating PBT setup scripts for CEntOS 7.
- Will discuss with James Chappell about integrating BDSIM setup.
MSc Meeting, 27th February (D12, Physics & Astronomy, UCL)
Simon Jolly, Fernando Franco Felix, James Golbourn, Raffaella Radogna
James Golbourn
- Researching uses of IBA Lynx and Sphinx:
- Sphinx coupled to Lynx used for daily QA.
- Lynx is scintillator screen; Sphinx is series of RW3 absorbers used for range checks.
- Looking into different uses of scintillators and scintillating fibres.
- Investigating radio chromic films.
- Will contact Alison Warry with questions arising from previous talk.
Fernando Franco Felix
- Handbook on photodiodes provided by Hamamatsu: using it for minimum and maximum power calculations.
- Will contact Hamamatsu to confirm calculations.