Proton Calorimetry/Meetings/2018/02/07
Minutes for UCL Proton Calorimetry Meeting, 7th February 2018 (D17, Physics & Astronomy, UCL)
Simon Jolly, Ruben Saakyan, Matthieu Hentz, Jordan Silverman, Anastasia Basharina-Freshville, Laurent Kelleter
- Meeting with LK at TU Wien HEPHY on 1st February:
- TU Wien have 26x26mm sensor developed for Belle they want to use for proton CT.
- Sensor is very early in pCT development: readout is slow (~1,000 frames/s).
- Potential for pCT collaboration.
- They are sharing experimental time with us at MedAustron on 22/23 March.
- We will have 6 hours on Thursday night and ~4 hours on Friday night.
- Will make single module measurements for them: MedAustron rate and pCT calorimetry.
- Accommodation is booked: 4 rooms in Orange Wings (close to MedAustron).
- Both Zarges enclosures are finally here:
- Smaller one is painted: waiting on specs from ISDI to choose patch panel connectors.
- Larger one just arrived: Derek will paint tomorrow.
- Running tests on Scintillator Sheets using LED:
- First tests with Nikon DSLR carried out on 5/6 February.
- Some sheets not properly painted, so light leaks in around fibre.
- Camera highly adjustable: RS suggests running tests with LED settings used for PRIAPUS saturation.
- Lens aberrations seen with high light levels.
- Variation seen across sheet but average light level approximately the same for all sheets.
- To Do:
- Some sheets need repainting: will speak to Derek Attree.
- Chasing up ISDI!
- Test USB3 patch panel connector.
- Finish off analysis.
- Add Remote Desktop information to Wiki.
- To Do:
- Continue LED tests: rerun with settings that saturated PRIAPUS; set up radioactive source.
- Label scintillator sheets.
- Polish scintillator sheets.
- Analyse LED data.
- Had meeting with Hamamatsu.
- 2 potential products available:
- Linear image sensor.
- Position sensitive linear image sensor.
- Both active pixel sensor strips.
- Industrial devices: less than £50 each!
- Readout available but expensive (£800).
- Focussing on buffered event writing in Geant4 to speed up simulations.
- Fixed issue by avoiding use of pointers: needed a custom accumulator class.
- Factor of 30 speed up with buffering!
- Code needs tidying up..
- To Do:
- Tidy up Geant4 buffering code.
- Update Wiki.
- Reanalysed scintillator sheet thicknesses after painting:
- Difference in thickness of 10 to 70 microns after painting.
- To Do:
- Write up scintillator sheet measurements on Wiki page.
- CAD import/export in Geant4.