Nikolay (and all on the T474X team...) My appologies for the long delay in replying to your message with your simulations of the 10D45 magnets for the chicane in the test experiment T474X planned for next year for the ILC-ESA project. We had a run going here and only in the last weeks could I turn my attention to the magnets for the next stage of T474. The bottom line of this message is I want to use a different set of 10D37 magnets (assembly drawing attached), not the 10D45 we originally planned to use. This note is mostly to Nikolay about magnet details and a list of questions. Mike Woods is away until next week on holiday and he hasn't heard about the 10D37 yet, so this decision will be preliminary until he returns, and until I hear from you about the simulations of field uniformity. I will be on vacation from Aug 17 until Sept 4, but I look forward to further discussions and comments from you or any others of the T474X team in the next while. The main reason for not using the 10D45 are that they need a lot of work to bring them into operation. There was water condensation from the beam pipes for many years at SPEAR, and after they were decomissioned the magnets were not stored properly and the pole faces have thick corrosion which would have to be machined off. To achieve the desired field accuracy would require careful work, new drawings, and significant time in the machine shops. Also the magnets are not mechanically identical. They were made with many irregularities in construction (holes in odd places, not all the same length, etc) and I think the quality of the field, and the similarities of the magnets that we intend to run in series on a singel power supply would be not as good as for the 10D37. The 10D37 are in pristine shape, and can be used after only routine cleaning and maintanence of covers, etc. We can make field measurements starting soon with no delays for modifications. They are also smaller and lighter (2500 lbs instead of 5000 lbs) making the support stands easier to engineer for rigidity and seismic bracing. The 10D37 (12 original) were made in 1971 (engineered by Dieter Walz, who is still here at SLAC and a member of T474X) to transport beam to the SPEAR ring. They were removed and put in good storage more than 10 years ago. I have located 4 of them and requested and expect to get permission to use them. They are carefully made and all mechanically identical. A directory of the drawings scanned to PDF files from the SLAC archives is at When considering magnets for T474X we have to keep in mind some basic requirements for this experiment that are similar to, but not identical to the requirements for the eventual new magnets that would be built for the ILC. The exact layout of the ILC chicane is not set yet, but it will require multiple magnets with deflections of 0.5 to 1 mr giving beam offset of ~5 mm and needs to operate over a range perhaps 45 to 500 GeV. The plan for T474X is to build a 4-magnet chicane and measure beam offset in the middle with new BPM's. The length of the chicane, strength of magnets, deflection angles, and beam offset in the middle are all similar to, but not identical to parameters at ILC, mainly because we will be operating at a maximum energy of only 28.5 GeV. For T474X we have selected chicane parameters to give similar offset (+/- 5mm) to that proposed for the ILC so as to test the performance of new BPM's and movers etc. The chicane is sized to use magnets of ~1 m length with fields of ~0.1 T with bend angles of ~1.25 mr. We plan to operate the 4 magnets in series, so having them be nearly identical is important. The operational range range will be small, a few GeV perhaps around 28 GeV. The operation plan envisioned for the ILC is to cycle the chicane magnets back and forth frequently between +B and -B to extend the energy resolution for a given bend angle and to help measure and control systematics. We want to test the cycling operation in T474X. Some features of the 10D37 magnets that are important for us: 1) They are H style with saddle coils, with dimensions: pole length 37 inches (93.98 cm) gap width 10 inches (25.4 cm) gap height 3 inches (7.62 cm) This gives adequate space for beam pipe and field monitors (NMR probes, moving wires, etc. ), and provides appropriate Bdl at field values similar to that in the lower energy range of the future ILC chicane. The steel is specified as C1010 with not more that 0.13% Carbon. This is a standard spec for reasonably good magnet iron. There is no record of the exact steel lots, and Dieter Walz said there was no attempt to keep track of different lots of steel from the manufacturerer, so within the uncertainties of the spec there could be small variations in magnetic properties bewteen magnets. 2) Measurements of other magnets in this family in 1991 using flip coils show uniformity of Bdl vrs x of few parts in 10**4 over x = +-1 inch in the central region. 3) For operation in T474X to bend 28.5 GeV beam by +/- 1.25 mr giving offset in mid chicane of +/- 5mm would require ~185 A to produce ~0.118 Tesla-m. For use at SPEAR they were routinely operated at 1200 Amperes and Bdl of 0.75 Tesla-m. We would be operating them at 1/10 of the B value where saturation begins so saturation effects should be very small. 4) While many features are ideal for our use, there are a few details that make the magnets less than perfect for a precision energy measurement. Some simulations like the ones you have done for the TESLA spectrometer and for the 10D45 should tell us what level of field irregularities to expect. (Note to the T474X team: Nikolay has done excellent work on magnet design and simulations and must-reading can be found at Those who have not yet should also study the proposal by the TESLA team for a beam energy spectrometer described in the DESY print LC-DET-2004-031. ) - due to cost constraints in 1971 the return yokes were made somewhat thin (2 inches wide). When these magnets are excited at large Bdl there is significant leakage of flux outside the yoke. When running way below saturation the yokes will probably be adequate, but this needs to be verified by simulations and measurements. Inadequate size of return yoke might cause variation of Bdl in the middle region. If significant flux leakes out it could possibly cause trouble by connecting to the other iron in the area (rebar, lifting fixtures, and seismic bracing of the concrete support girder and blocks) and complicate operation of the chicane to achieve precise reproducibilty of field settings. If necessary and if it would make a significant improvement it would be possible to add steel to the sides to increase the return yoke thickness. - there are 5 bolts on each side through the return yokes connecting the core togeather. The studs are specified as "mild steel". Your similations for the TESLA maspectrometer show that such bolts can cause perturbations of the gap field to unacceptible levels. There are also other holes and voids in the core for installation of dowel pins and lifting fixtures that might also cause field irregularities. The effects of these bolts and holes needs to be investigated in simulations and measurements, but there is not much we can do about them. - mirror plates are used to terminate the fringe field on the ends. This is probably a good idea and your simulations will show how effective they are. I assume for now that we will use them. However, the current design has a feature that may not be good. The plate on the end with coil terminations is farther from the core than the one the other end. This will (I think) cause a small shift in the location of the magnetic center from the location of the mechanical center. We need to measure where the magnetic center is in each magnet anyway, because the distance between magnet centers enters into the energy measurement. In principle as long as we know where the centers are, it doesn't matter if they are at the mechanical center. However it may be better to keep the magnets symetric. If we continue to use mirror plates we might want to put them at the same distance from the core. - solid core magnets require careful proceedures for standardization to prevent variations of magnetic field from eddy currents. You probably know this story well, but I only recently understood this problem when looking into the issues of how to standardize precision magnets to achieve reproducible fields. In solid core magnets the inevitable large eddy currents cause various portions of the steel to go through different paths in the B-H curve, such that the field in the middle of the magnet where the NMR probe monitors would naturally be placed can be significantly different (fractions of percent) than the field at the ends of the magnet depending on the speed of the excitation or dexcitation (from power supply crashes for example). In the scheme where Bdl is monitored using only one or a few NMR probes, such dependence on exitation speed would require careful and consistent standardization proceedures to ensure that point NMR measurements are precisely related to Bdl. The best data I could find on this is in: J. K. Cobb, D. R. Jensen, SLAC-PUB-321. The theoretical understanding of this phenomena is explained well in: Klaus Halbach, NIM 107, 529-540 (1973). We may find that it is difficult to obtain the desired precision with solid core magnets. For the ILC, if we continue with the plan of cycled +/-B operation, it would certainly be possible to build high quality laminated core magnets that would not have problems from eddy currents. As you are probably well aware, there will also be time dependence of the fields after excitation due to time dependence of iron domain reorientation. Magnetic after effects, as they are called, are discussed in text books (Bozorth) and explored by workers long ago (G. Richter, Ann. Physik 29, 605(1937)). There is probably lots of recent data, but I didnt find it yet. I have seen data (SLAC-PUB-137) on some SLAC magnets that show slow settling of the magnet field with changes as large parts in 0.01% after 5 mins. The natural settling time of magnet steel, solid or laminated core, may make cycled operation of any magnet with cycles shorter than 10's of minutes difficult. Here are a few comments on other issues related to the magnets, our planned installation, and the magnetic measurements: 1) We plan to make the beam pipe with Al. This completely eliminates the issues you have studied about the small but significant magnetic properties of various kinds of stainless steel. We regularly make vacuum chambers from Al and make connections to SST flanges outside the magnetic field region using special pieces of material with SST explosion bonded to Al. Typically a short pipe or flange is machined from the explosion bonded material and welded on one side to Al and to SST on the other. 2) The stands and supports are yet to be designed, but I plan to make them mostly with Al to keep magnetic material away from the magnets. It will be interesting if possible from simulations like you have done for support girders of the TESLA magnet to see how much flux reaches out to material in the stands and supports. 3) The water temperature of coils and magnet iron needs to be measured and stablized. You recommended stablization to 0.1 deg C and monitoring to 0.05 deg C for the TESLA magnets. Presumably we need to do something similar. Equipment and techniqes for that are not yet specified. This needs some work by our collaboration. 4) High quality magnetic measurements will be required. (Note to the T474X team: Nikolay has a nice summary of precision magnetic measurements in ) Measurement techniques and capability at SLAC are described in: Levi et al, NIM A281: 265-276(1989), SLAC-PUB-4654. In principle we should measure all 4 magnets precisely, but as a minimum, the first two must be accurately known and monitored. The magnetic measurement campaign will be undertaken at SLAC in the fall, as I understand it, by Michele Viti, Victor Duginov and Serge Kostromin. This will be a big job, and is very important for the experiment. The main parameters, as I currently see it are: - SLAC technicians are prepared to make point measurements with NMR and Hall probes, and Bdl measurements with moving wires and moving NMR and Hall probes. Past measurements have achieved ~0.7 10**-4 precision for Bdl (Levi et al). We may want to work to see if we can improve this error. Flip coils would (probably) not be used. I'm not sure if we will measure with vibrating wires. It would be useful to establish procedures for zeroing the field, and vibrating wires seems to be a good way to measure "zero" fields. - We have not yet identified a power supply, but we need to find (or have the collaboration buy) a precision (parts in 10**5 stability) bipolar supply with current capability to perhaps 300 A. This would be adequate for conditioning but would not drive the magnets to saturation. Perhaps we may want to hook the magnets up to a large supply one time before the measurements to drive them all into saturation for uniformity. - The magnet cores and coil temperatures need to be stablized and accurately measured during the magnetic measurement campaign. We need to set the specs for this and arrange the necessary equipment. - We plan to monitor magnets in situ with NMR probes. So far we have not planned to use moving wires or flip coils in situ. If we think either of these is essential, we need to begin now to plan for the design (space on beamline, arrangement of pipes, wires, movers etc) and make or buy the necessary equipment. - The measurement campaign would be: measure excitation curves in a region up to 0.15 T or so measure B(x,y,z) in the central region x,y = +/- 1 cm measure Bdl(x,y) in the central region measure the temperature dependence (needed for corrections) measure location of magnetic centers determine procedures (ramp speed, settling times, maximum conditioning field etc) for magnet conditioning (running at some value B above the maximum operating point) and standardization at the +/-B operating points. This has to take into account operation in a cycling mode, and should be designed so the point measurement from NMR probes gives a precise relation to the Bdl (considering eddy currents and hysteresis effects). This will be a lot of work. Talking with Dieter and folks here they tell me that the measurements for the SLC spectrometer magnet in Levi et al required months of work, and then additional time in situ to verify and measure stability in beamline conditions. Finally for Nikolay, a summary list of questions for simulations of the 10D37 magnets: 1) what is the expected field uniformity Bdl(x,y) in the central region 2) where can NMR probes be placed 3) should we use mirror plates, should they be symetric wrt magnet center, and how accurately do they have to be placed 4) what is the relative contribution of fringe field to the Bdl (sets scale for error from Hall probes). 5) are there significant problems caused by the relatively thin return yokes (field irregularities, problems with excitatin of iron in the region), and would it be worth the effort to add steel to increase the yoke. 6) what are the expected field irregularities from the various bolts, holes and voids in the core. There is nothing we can do about them, but its good to know, and may influence where we put NMR probes. 7) what is the coefficient for variation of Bdl with temperature (sets precison needed for temperature measurements). I look forward to your reply. This is my first time to work on a precision magnet problem, and I've got lots to learn. I welcome any comments or criticism from you or any of the collaborators. Ray Raymond G. Arnold M.S. 42 SLAC voice (650) 926-2755 P.O. Box 4349 fax (650) 926-2407 Stanford, CA 94309