June 08 run plans
- Preliminary run dates June 11-23
- 8-12 hours on weekdays (during the night) + weekends
- Preliminary schedule
- June 9-11: Hardware installation, NMR
calibrations, initial checkouts
- June 11-13: Commissioning, goal: all BPM channels
working, reasonable resolution, all calibration signals fed in, new
movers working etc
- June 14-15: Stability runs for BPM studies
- June 16-20: Collimator + Energy spectrometer
+ LOLA runs
- June 21-22: Energy spectrometer stability studies
+ Collimator studies
- people coming to SLAC
- Mark Slater
- Gary Boorman
- Stewart Boogert
- Alexey Lyapin
- Nigel Watson
- Michele Viti
- * Sergey Kostromin may be able to help with the
data analysis remotely
- * Bino Maiheu is not coming, but is actively
working on the analysis framework
- people available at SLAC
Hardware issues
- Calibration system
- 24 channels to instrument almost all the ESA
- Additional components and cables are being
ordered/on their way
- Boxes are being prepared
- SIS digitisers
- Have to send the faulty module to repair
- May need to borrow some modules from Doug
- 119 MHz clock
- NIM crate replacement
- RF source for the LO replacement
Analysis issues