T-474 phone conference |
Monday 13 november 2006, 09:30 SLAC time, 17:30 UK timePhone number : +1 510-665-5437Meeting code : 8343 |
discussion material |
minutes |
Minutes of the 13.11.2006 phone conference ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - Alexey gave some comments on the link he sent around (https://www.hep.ucl.ac.uk/elog/Alexey's+logBook/49). He is trying to estimate how stable the beam has to be so the reference cavity is not a cause of systematics for the position measurement. The plots he shows are basically the change of the amplitude of the monopole mode signal wrt the beam offset in mm. (sort of dipole mode component slipping in...). We prob need about 0.1%, which means +/- 2 mm. This should be no problem. - We decided to place the new Q cavity outside of the chichane, at the location where 3BPM4 is now. Ray needs the dimensions of the Q cavity for designing a support. In more detail, he needs to know the flange type and flange to flange distance together with a layout of the bolding holes. Alex mentioned that the cavity will be some sort of "brick" shape. We need to have a piece ready to close the beampipe in case the cavity is delayed. - We discussed the position of the end switched on the horizontal stages. For the vertical stages it is no problem as the travel range is only 5 mm. On the horizontal ones we want the end switches set so that the stages still get a couple of mm travel range at the beam offsite of 5mm, so prob +/- 10mm would be sufficient with then real mechanical stops one or 2 mm further for machine protection in a worst case scenario. - We need a long ethernet cable to be run down to the end station at mid-chicane location. - Mark reported on analysis progress. o It seems the non linearities he observed and reported on earlier are due to badly determined frequencies and decay constants. o He did work on orbit fitting using an SVD algorithm that regresses agains all the position BPM. Yury commented that we prob. should take BPM24 into account in the regression as well. o Mark finds 2-3 um of orbit resolution for the whole system, this still needs to be understood in terms of individual resolutions of the BPMs. Stewart proposes to write a little toyMC to check this. - We want to have a contribution to the PAC conference for T474, so we need to come up with an abstract. Deadline is on wednesday 13 dec. - Alex asks how long the safety checks that need to be done for the electronics will take. Mike tells this should be pretty quick. But it would be helpfull if they can be provided with block diagrams showing voltages and currents, grounding etc... - There will be a spectrometer meeting on thrusday for the UK guys, where we will come up with a list of analysis tasks. - Mark Slater sends around a first draft for the paper : http://cvs.hep.ucl.ac.uk/viewcvs/esaBpmNote/?cvsroot=LC+Energy+Spectrometer |