- Raw waveforms from TDS oscilloscope, tds2root, see
T474 eLog entry 49
- State of the ESA data
- filling gaps of july data taking, first processing run
- reprocessing with latest version to include VSAM data, timestamp + 'upgrade' to the filtering algoritm
to account for small residual phase dependence
- set of routines for easy dataanalysis... libRooEsa needs work !!
- stability data analysis
- stability check + analysis of BPMCALI macro data
- orbit fitting
- Reprocessing of T-480 runs,
list with required runs from july run
- Checks + status of libespec library (Mark), see
CVS server
Restructuring of the library to make it easy to work with and stable,
see elog entry
Still large todo list, which some items that have
to be checked/done asap.
- Documentation page for contents of the ROOT ntuples