EUDET Common DAQ web-page
As part of the EUDET project we may pursue a common joint-JRA test
beam programme. This will require some sort of common DAQ, to which
this working group is devoted.
Common DAQ meeting, CERN, 22 March 2007: Minutes, Slides: E. Corrin (JRA1) (ppt), U. Mjornmark (JRA2) (pdf), M. Warren (JRA3) (ppt)
meeting 2006, Muenchen, 18-20 October: Minutes, Agenda
meeting 2006, DESY, 15-17 February: Agenda
Common DAQ
- J. Mnich, M. Wing, "Summary of EUDET kick-off meeting", LCWS06, Banglaore.
talk, paper
JRA1: Test Beam Infrastructure
- L. Piemontese, "The readout board to read the pixel telescope of the EUDET JRA-1 project",
ILC Workshop 2006, Valencia. talk
JRA2: Infrastructure for Tracking Detectors
JRA3: Infrastructure for Calorimeters